By Paul Dhinakaran

Dearly beloved,

Lord Jesus came to this earth to help you to lead a triumphant life.

Recently, in a country, an incident was reported in the newspapers about a young couple. The husband, 33 years old, and the 29 year old wife were addicted to alcohol and drugs as a result of which they could not go to any job. They went to the extent of stealing to satiate their drinking habit.

They were living on the monthly payment given by the government to the unemployed people. More money is given when the unemployed have children. This couple had a 8 year old son and whatever was given for their sustenance was used up in drinking and drugs, and the son was left to starve.

Free compulsory education is given to all the children in that country and if a child fails to turn up for school, the parents would be arrested. So this boy too had to go to school by the school bus. The moment he got down, he used to go to the garbage bin in search of some morsel of food. Being a small fellow, he could not see inside the bin and hence used to put his hands inside and rummage for food.

One day, his teachers saw him doing this and besides they also noticed that he was licking the ice cream cups thrown in the bin during the rest period in the morning and noon. Assuming that he had some disease or the other, they admonished him. The boy did not open his mouth for fear that if he complained about his parents, they might be killed.

Ultimately, one day, he did not turn up for school and when the teachers queried the parents, they got the reply that the boy had died. Only then the teachers realized that something was terribly wrong and contacted the police. They were in for a rude shock when they went to his house. The little boy’s body was bruised and battered and it was found that he had been beaten to death by the parents. The whole country was shaken and shed tears!

Today, his parents are in the jail. Only now their eyes are opened and they are shedding tears of remorse thinking of their violence against their own child.

There is suffering in the world. But let not your heart be troubled. Lord Jesus has said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He has already won the victory for you on the cross. Cast all your sorrows on Him. He will deliver you from all your burdens and help you live in victory. He will always surround you with His divine protection.