By Paul Dhinkaran

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.    (1 John 4:11)

Dearly beloved,

The Lord says, “I will go before you and will level the mountains” (Isaiah 45:2).

My precious friend, the Lord has chosen you as His vessel for the blessing of millions of people.

For the first time in 1962, when the Lord spoke to my father face to face, He said, “My son, I fill you with My love and compassion. When you hear the misery of people and when they share their problems with you, your heart will melt. Love and compassion will flow from your heart and you will cry out for them. Seeing your tears, I, Jesus, will wipe away their tears. For this purpose, I have anointed you today.”

Yes, truly the Lord loves the people. He loves those who are filled with His love and who love Him.

Dear one, you too love the people, being filled with the love of Christ. To wipe away the tears of the millions, you have united with the Lord Jesus. You have been called and chosen to be a channel of God’s blessing to others.

The Lord Jesus has called me and my entire family too just as how He called my father. The same Lord has called you too and has chosen you to be vessel of comfort to brokenhearted people. Today we are loved by the Lord Jesus and He is with us; our family is blessed. As a family, you are going to receive the same blessing.

The Bible says, “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:11). God is love; when you have a close fellowship with Him, you will be able to know the magnitude of His love. Then you will be able to love others just as He loved them.